Why would you design an artist’s website with a long-scrolling homepage? Doesn’t that go against the minimalist “gallery” look? An early trend in website design for artists was...

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There are nine non-profit organizations in the USA that work with the State Department to resettle refugees. This past August, as the Afghan evacuation took place with the...

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So 2020 is leaving us. Just before it does, I want to give a shout-out to the people who’ve worked with us this year who’ve taken the opportunity...

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If you want a logo designed as well as a website, the logo will need to be designed first. You can either work with a specialized logo designer...

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What do we stand to lose if the Federal Communications Commission’s decision to repeal net neutrality is not overturned by the proposed Congressional Review Act? Why we need...

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Plenty of people are worrying about whether or not their website needs an adjustment to comply with the new General Data Protection Regulation. Here's what you need to...

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The New York Times reported today that Amazon and Google are applying for patents to be able to legally listen in to random conversations through your home-based and...

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On January 11, 2018, Mark Zuckerberg announced major changes to Facebook feeds. One of the changes means Facebook users will no longer see organic posts from pages they...

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I read something recently to the effect that our being required “to continually reinvent ourselves for work and to anticipate constant change and to celebrate that as freedom”...

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Google is warning all owners of websites to migrate to HTTPS to improve the security of online activity. Failure to make this change before October will result in...

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Every image situation on a website is different but you always want your images to look good and to load quickly. Here we consider different priorities for different...

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If you upload images from your camera directly to your website, you’ll probably end up with one or both of the following two problems: (i) the images will...

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