This site was designed for an entrepreneur with an artistic bent. She wanted a blog-like site that would allow her to post visually-rich personal stories of interesting people and places from Provence—with a view to eventually developing this into a concierge-like travel business. The client had a number of stories ready with phone-taken photos of mixed sizes and proportions.

We created a full-page banner on the homepage as well as a big-thumbnail grid to give as full a visual impact as possible, even with the smaller images we began with. A playful font has been used for headers and the color scheme suggests the beautiful colors of the region.

The website has since been re-purposed as an art blog for the Drôme region of Provence.

web design for a Provence travel blog

web design for a Provence travel blog - homepage thumbnails

web design for a Provence travel blog - example post

web design for a Provence travel blog - about page

web design for a Provence travel blog - resources page

web design for a Provence travel blog - contact page

Awwww Rohesia, how beautiful to see this! It looks so wonderful. Thank you so much for all your work, help and guidance. It is truly a pleasure to work with you.

—Karin FF

Category: artists & galleries

Tagged in: artists, websites with blogs