The most efficient way to upload your content for a new website is to upload it all to a Dropbox folder that we will share with you (you’ll receive an invitation to the Dropbox folder by email).

The Dropbox folder will be in our Dropbox account, so you don’t have to have your own (though it’s a great resource to add). We will erase the files in the Dropbox once your project has been completed so be sure to upload copies of your files (not the originals).

If you are uploading images, please either name the images in a recognizable way or provide a spreadsheet listing the images with titles and any other data matching (eg captions or—in the case of artwork, dimensions, year, price, media, etc).

You can organize all your work for any one upload into folders and then put all the folders into one folder and compress it and upload it as one file. This is the fastest way to upload and also makes it easy for us to download.

Please title the upload with the date (eg and send an email to let us know to look for the upload.


If you have more questions, please let us know.

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