This client had resisted having an online presence until his second novel was published and he realized he needed a website to give people a place to find these books (and an opportunity for them to take an interest in his work in general).

He was very open to suggestions and warmed to the process, providing material with which we could create a sort of portrait of the artist, as well as a platform for his ongoing work.

We chose to highlight the most recently-published book on the homepage with a description, a video of the author reading, a few reviews and a mini-bio of the author—with more information provided on sub-pages within the site.

For those whose interest is piqued, the site offers a good amount of information on the author’s two novels as well as samples of his other writing—as well as a visually rich glimpse of the author’s life in the Blue Mountains. Prominent links are provided for book purchase as well as an option to contact the author directly.

web design for a writer

web design for a writer - bio page

web design for an author - novels page

web design for an author - second novel page

web design for an author - first novel page

web design for a writer - blog

web design for a writer - contact page

This is fun! I really like the way it’s going. The home page is great, I especially like the way the info on me rolls over the BM forest... I’ve just tried it on my iPhone! It’s beautiful! The way the text fits the space is even nicer to read than on the big screen! Great job!<br/><br/>[Later:] Some friends were wowed by my website, not having seen it before. Take bows.

—John S.

Category: authors

Tagged in: novelists, writers, websites with long-scroll homepages