Website designed for a prolific magical realist painter and theater designer from Washington, DC. Originally designed to provide an immersive entry into the artist’s work, the site has been partially redesigned to offer a more conventional entry first (with the immersive views offered as a secondary option in each of the two paintings galleries).

web design for a painter and theater designer - Anastasia Rurikov Simes

web design for a painter and theater designer - Anastasia Rurikov Simes - paintings index page

web design for a painter and theater designer - Anastasia Rurikov Simes - single painting page

web design for a painter and theater designer - Anastasia Rurikov Simes - all paintings thumbnails page

web design for a painter and theater designer - Anastasia Rurikov Simes - works on paper page

web design for a painter and theater designer - Anastasia Rurikov Simes - Anastasia Rurikov Simes - works on paper all paintings thumbnails page

web design for a painter and theater designer - Anastasia Rurikov Simes - theater stage design page

web design for a painter and theater designer - Anastasia Rurikov Simes - about page

web design for a painter and theater designer - press text page

web design for a painter and theater designer - press image page

web design for a painter and theater designer - page with prices for artworks

web design for a painter and theater designer - contact

Category: artists & galleries

Tagged in: artists