The design for this website for a psychotherapist needed to reflect the client’s love of art and the un-ordinary. The client suggested using imagery that could reflect her understanding of Freudian psychoanalytic theory. The site was also required to provide clear information about services offered (including insurance issues) and to enable easy appointment-booking.

It’s always a challenge to represent a psychotherapy practice, as one cannot include photos of real clients—and the balance between acknowledging the conditions that bring people to therapy and the positive transformations that are the goal is tricky.

With the permission to explore Rorschach inkblots and imagery suggesting the unconscious mind, the project was open to a lot of creativity and what we did was create a series of mini-slideshows of mind/emotion-related art images that play on the homepage  in such a way that one never sees the same configuration twice. Sub-pages feature a static version of the slideshow to avoid distraction.

The website is otherwise straightforward and practical, with easy navigation and an online scheduling option using the Genbook platform—seamlessly combining essential functionality with a unique design.

website design for a therapist - Andi Lyn Kornfeld

Category: healthcare providers